Beagles are happy and easy going animals. They are usually very friendly to other dogs and people. They also get along great with children. Cats are also no problem as long as you bring them in contact with them at a young age. Although they are sociable and in good spirits, they naturally maintain a hunting instinct. They are intelligent, determined and courageous, but often also have an idiosyncratic character. Beagles are great companion dogs but can also be alone for a while. They have a balanced temperament and show no fear or aggression. Their indomitable enthusiasm is contagious. In short, the Beagle is a great family dog!
You can recognize the Beagle by its cute lop ears and shiny, wiry coat. This sturdy and compact dog comes in combinations of two or three colors, eg white-brown-black or white-brown. Beagles are between 32 and 41 cm high and usually weigh between 10 and 14 kg.
Beagles are hunting dogs. They are lively and active, so they definitely require plenty of exercise. They are a great choice for sporty families. Training is certainly possible and recommended. Regular brushing to remove dead and loose hair is also necessary. This breed usually grows to around 13-14 years old.
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